Our visitors have voted for the best iris flower.
This competition has been ment for open public visiting Pruhonice Botanic Garden. Visitors have tendencies to see irised differently from experts. People focus more on actual flower itself (color, shape or fragrance) whereas we evaluate proporsions, growh habit and look at the plant in complex. They can add feelings to it, instaneous moods, or they simply like flowers from grandma's garden the best despite the newest breeding trends. And that is the beauty of it, experts and visitors choose differently.
So reagrdless the breeder or origin, visitors see these irises as the best. Here are the winners:
Category TB (Tall bearded irises) TB 7.3.
Category IB (Intermediate bearded irises) IB 1.2.
Category SDB + MDB (standard and miniature dwarf irises) SDB 3.6.
Other groups haven't been appraised.
The Iris of Pruhonice competition will take its place in season of 2016 too and we hope to introduce other iris groups like spurias or siberians to the visitors as well.
Come to see!!