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Oak forests of the rocky outcrops
Botanical guide through park
Map of the potential natural vegetation

Prazites and Semiparazite Plants

Generally known parazites of the plants are funguses, bacterias and viruses. But also in plant kingdom,  group of plants has evolved independently,  which are partially of fully dependent on other plants as they obtain necessary nutriens for growth and development…
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Průhonice botanical garden | Petr Petřík | 27.3.2014
Prazites and Semiparazite Plants
Ponds under the castle
Map of the meadows communities

Dry meadows

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Places | Petr Petřík | 7.6.2014
Dry meadows
Forests near the Gloriet

Wet meadows

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Places | Lubomír Pokorný | 16.8.2013
Wet meadows
Alluvial meadows of the Botič Rook
Ruderal plant communities
Rocky outcrops over the Alpinum
Oak forests with grasslands

Chotobuz Botanic Garden in Pruhonice

 Botanic garden is located in western periphery of  Pruhonice park. Garden entrance is from the park.
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Průhonice botanical garden | Pavel Sekerka | 3.9.2013
Chotobuz Botanic Garden in  Pruhonice

Shrub Roses

Shrub or Park Roses have its origin in medieval times.
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Průhonice botanical garden | Pavel Sekerka | 19.2.2014
Shrub Roses

Birch Grove

In autumn 2012 a former plum orchard with several botanical pear trees was cleaned-up. Spontaneous seedling of birch trees (Betula pendula)  reached oved the fruit trees in some places and old plums dies in others, and so a new garden…
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Průhonice botanical garden | Pavel Sekerka | 25.11.2013
Birch Grove

Grandiflora Roses

 Grandifloras, including teahybrids, are flowers which come to mind first when thinking about roses.
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Průhonice botanical garden | Pavel Sekerka | 19.2.2014
Grandiflora Roses
Rock Garden


 Daylilies are grown so long in gardens, that some botanists consider them a species native to Europe.
9018 views Go to Article »
Průhonice botanical garden | Pavel Sekerka | 18.2.2014

Climbing Roses

Climbing roses have very long canes and they need support to hold upright.
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Průhonice botanical garden | Pavel Sekerka | 19.2.2014
Climbing Roses

(Displayed 1 - 40 items of total 40)